Monday, April 12, 2010

Decorating Children's Rooms - Part 2

Give your child a say! Their room should be fun. Purchase furniture that is excellent in quality. Children tend to really use their furniture and accessories. Whether it involves jumping on the bed (didn't you do that too?), opening and slamming shut the drawers or playing tag with pillows. If you are willing to make several changes as your child ages, the room may call for a fabulous "fantasy" bed. Fairytales, storybook princesses, and dragons live in the hearts and minds of nearly every child. Fantasy beds range from racecars to stagecoaches to Cinderella coaches to boats and more. When considering a fantasy bed purchase, make sure you have room for the bed of your choice. Also, ask yourself if you're comfortable with the fact that some of these beds may be outgrown by the teen years or before and will need to be replaced.

When decorating a child's room make it multi-functional. Play areas for younger children may include an arts and crafts center. Most children love to draw and color, so set aside an area for a child sized table and chair set and an easel. Hanging a chalkboard is a great idea for drawing or writing "to do" lists. There is paint available that works as a chalkboard - very durable - very cool! A reading area is essential. Provide a quiet and comfortable space that will entice them to do just that. Children love pictures. So dedicate a wall to display your child's favorite photographs and artwork. Pictures of family and friends will add to the comfort of the room. Use wide matching frames for continiuty.You should also dedicate space or shelving for displaying collectibles, trophies and other personal items. Computer desks with hutches are essential for homework, studying and staying "in touch".

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Decorating Children's Rooms - What Fun!

As you might expect, decorating children's rooms is a bit different than decorating adult bedrooms. To children, a bedroom is a place to play games, read, listen to music, wrestle, have tea parties, display or hide prized possessions, fight dragons, or just be alone. Decorating children's rooms is a great opportunity for you to show off your playful side, do some family bonding and allow yourchild to be creative. Whether tackling this project by yourself or with the assistance of an interior designer there are many things to consider. First, talk to your child (if old enough) and find out what activities they enjoy. What brings them comfort? What are their favorite colors? What is unique about their personality that you can build a theme around?